Have you ever tried to get into a meeting with someone who you know could propel your life/career/project but they were always too busy? You asked if you could get "squeezed into their calendar soon" with a response from them or their assistant saying they were overbooked already? Here's a tip that serves two purposes, to establish yourself as dependable and of high value. Request a meeting for 3 minutes at an odd time, for example 9:18 am. This requires them to not flip through there calendar to see how busy they are, but to look at that exact time to see if they are booked already. You have now branded yourself in that person's mind as a person who cares about time and precision. This is perfect for those new sales people that want to prove their dependability but don't know how to prove it without selling something first. Sell yourself first - you must have a benefit to this person and it must be overt. Also, you need a hook or a dramatic difference that will brand you/set you apart.
Once you are in the door, keep your promise. Arrive promptly, keep your 3 minute promise and offer to leave at the end of the 3 minutes. "You have graciously provided me the 3 minutes you promised, thank you. I know you are busy, would you like to continue speaking now or shall we arrange a meeting for a future date when we have a little more time?" Typically, if you have brought value to that person, you will be invited to continue the conversation. Those 3 minutes can turn into 45 fast and they do nearly every time! The least we have seen is 3 minutes turning into 30 minutes. The key? Make sure to read our tips on how to not show up and throw up.
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