A good friend of mine recently had an interesting comment regarding luck. He has been hugely successful in his entrepreneurial journey with The Scooter Store. On a recent visit there with the Sales by 5 team he told us of the true meaning of "Being Lucky." In his words, anyone can be lucky. Lucky means you bought the lottery ticket, you took the chance, you showed up and tried. You can’t win the lotto without buying the ticket!
His words ring in my head as many of the people I have come across in the past are waiting to be lucky! In 1975, I was 10 and was a giant Elvis fan. I really thought he would come to my house to meet me because I had bought one of his albums. I really thought he would just come by. Well, I was 10, he died a year later and never came by, but I learned from it.
Today, we make things happen. Sometimes we feel luck played a part, but, we know that we gave it our all. Recently we had a meeting with two New York Times best sellers and two future best selling authors regarding business/entrepreneur books. This was not an accident or luck. We made it happen, we bought the ticket!
Garth Brooks sang, "thank God for Unanswered Prayers," Jesus said "ask and you shall receive." Ferdinand Porsche said "those who dare, truly live.?
Our take is “make it happen”. "How?" is the question, "What?" is the destiny!
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